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This is a spell bottle infused with a spell to attract unconditional love in all its forms. It contains a sigil and a blend of herbs meant to empower and work with the spell cast upon the bottle by yours truly.


The love spell itself is formulated to work in accordance with everyone's highest good, meaning it won't create feelings of love that aren't meant for us. Rather, it is meant to attract love meant for us in all of its forms: self-love, romantic love, and other forms of love. This also works to strengthen and promote any existing love connections we want to nourish in our life.

The spell is also formulated to help us work through obstacles that affect the love that is meant for us, as well as encouraging a stronger self-confidence and self-compassion. 


For this to work, you only have to keep this bottle near you, on your person (such as in a bag), or even choose to wear it by tying it to a cord (braiding your own cord to infuse your own energy into the bottle is a wonderful option here!). All else has already been done, in positive intention and for the highest good!


All herbs used in my products are ecological/organic.



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Spell Bottle: Love

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